Florist, Gifts, Trees, Perennials, Annuals, Herbs, Natives, Vegetables, Seed, Soil, Mulch and Much More!
306 Gazley Street
Smithville, Texas 78957
(512) 924-8363 or (512) 924-2549
Spring is here!
Check out great selection of trees, shrubs, flowers and bedding plants.
Grandma's House Garden Nursery and Florist
Grandma's House Garden Nursery and Florist
We deliver locally
We will be updating our website over the next few weeks, please check back in for new items!
Grandma’s House is a reminder of your childhood memories at your Grandmothers, where you could always find gorgeous flowers, special treats, and a garden full of delicious fruits and vegetables.
Swing on by and visit our unique gift shop and fresh cut flowers!
Please contact us for all your floral, gift and garden needs, custom orders are our specialty!
Family owned and operated
Grandma's House Garden Nursery and Florist
2021 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9-5 Sunday Noon to 4